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When does a 52-53-week tax year end?

To determine an effective date (or apply provisions of any law) expressed in terms of tax years beginning, including, or ending on the first or last day of a specified calendar month, a 52-53-week tax year is considered to... end on the last day of the calendar month ending nearest to the last day of the 52-53-week tax year.

What is a 52-53-week year?

A 52-53-week year is an annual period that varies from 52 to 53 weeks, always ends on the same day of the week, and always ends on (1) whatever date that day of the week occurs in a calendar month, or (2) whatever date that day of the week falls nearest to the last day of the calendar month (Sec. 441 (f) (1)).

When should a 52–53-week taxable year end?

For that purpose, a 52–53-week taxable year ending on any day during the period May 25 to June 3, inclusive, is treated as ending on May 31, the last day of the month ending nearest to the last day of the taxable year, and the return, therefore, must be made on or before August 15. Example 3.

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